Leave your Legacy

The Beckingham Society, named for our founder, brings together those who have pledged to remember the RGS in their wills and support our Enduring Bursary Fund.

The fund will enable us to offer bursary places in perpetuity. A gift in your will, no matter how large or small, is a meaningful way to support the Road to 2035.

“It makes me very happy knowing that when I am gone I will be helping some little boy…whom I will never know or meet but may also face a difficult time…achieve their full academics potential in this wonderful school. It is my way of saying thank you for all the support the school gave me”

Julia Facey, Mother of two OGs

Meet Julia…

My name is Julia and I was lucky enough to have both sons attend RGS between 2009 and 2020.

The boys got in on a fee-paying basis as my husband and I were both working. Sadly, the marriage broke down at a time when I had just stopped working. The children were vulnerable and had great instability in their lives. The most important thing for me was to keep their school lives consistent and enable them to continue uninterrupted in a caring and protective community. The school could not have been more kind and understanding to me at a very difficult time. They supported the boys with bursaries whilst I was getting my career back on track. I was unable to pay for them at the time but I always vowed I would support the school in the future as a way of thanking them for everything they did for my family during this hard time.

Established in 1509.

The RGS Guildford was established in 1509 by Robert Beckingham who left a bequest in his will to establish a ‘free schole’ and we are very grateful to all our supporters who continue to build on the legacy of its founders and successive benefactors to offer bright local boys a great education.

The most common types of gift to leave in your will are either a ‘Residuary Gift’ which is a percentage, or all, of an estate after all other payments have been made. Or a ‘Pecuniary Gift’ which specifies a specific sum of money. We suggest seeking independent legal advice to explore your options and how to describe your gift in your will precisely.

How to leave a legacy…

To include RGS Guildford in your will, you will need to take the following details to your solicitor:

Royal Grammar School Guildford, Registered charity number: 1177353
Registered address: High Street, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 3BB

If you have chosen to leave a legacy to the RGS Guildford in your will, we would be grateful if you could complete and return this pledge form. The information you give us is not legally binding and will be treated in the strictest confidence, but it will help us to plan, ensuring we can support as many boys as possible.

The ‘George & Agnes Pullen Bursary’

Due to the generosity of George Pullen OG 1919 and his wife Agnes, and their decision to bequeath the Foundation a gift of £1 million, we are delighted to announce the creation of the George & Agnes Pullen Bursary. This legacy will help educate RGS boys in perpetuity.

Join the journey and make a gift to the Road to 2035.

Read how your support has created life-changing stories for many bright boys.

Join the journey and make a gift to the Road to 2035.

Read how your support has created life-changing stories for many bright boys.